What is Salt Room Therapy ?
Halotherapy is an alternative treatment that involves breathing salty air. Some claim that it can treat respiratory conditions, such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, and allergies. O
What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
HBOT (Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) is a medical treatment that exposes a person to increased atmospheric pressure from 1.1 to 1.5 atmospheres, which can also be expressed as 3 t
What is Red Light Therapy (photobiomodulation)?
Red light therapy is a non invasive, cost-effective, alternative treatment to all sorts of skin problems, skin appearance and is very effective as a natural pain reliever. Red lig
10 benefits of colonic irrigation
Colonic irrigation, also known as colonic, or colon cleansing, or colon therapy, or colon hydrotherapy, is a treatment that involves flushing the colon with fluids to remove waste
Things you should know about colon cleansing!
Do you need to undergo Colon Cleansing or not? Colon cleansing is another term for colonic irrigation or colonic hydrotherapy. It is the process of flushing the colon with f
Colon Hydrotherapy: Why is it good for you?
Colon is another name for the Large Intestine. It is one of the many important parts of our digestive system. It is about 5 feet long and circles the abdomen up the right side, acr