Bloated Stomach & Gas

How to Cure Bloated Stomach & Gas

Passing gas, although embarrassing, is normal. The average adult passes gas from 12 to 25 times a day. Flatulence is a normal part of the digestion process. Among the most common ways of expelling gas include burping and abdominal bloating.

Bloating usually occurs when excess gas builds up in the intestines or stomach. Abdominal bloating can be worsened by anything that causes digestive issues such as constipation and diarrhea. It can also be triggered by:

Digestive Problem – Food allergies and intolerances and constipation can result in stomach bloating. A feeling of discomfort and bloating can happen when the stool becomes backed up in the large bowl. The bloating can also exacerbate when excess gas builds up behind the stool.

Bacterial Fermentation – The bacteria, yeasts and fungi in the colon break down the foods that are not digested by the small intestine. These bacteria are drawn to undigested carbohydrates, leading to gas production. Among the sources of gas-causing carbohydrates include lactose and beans.

Hormonal Changes – Water retention and hormonal changes (during the period, pregnancy, etc) can cause bloating.

Diet – Food choices such as soda, too much sodium and sugar or not eating enough fibre can be the culprit of your bloating.

Eating behaviour and activity – Habits such as chewing gum, drinking while chewing, and gulping foods can lead to abdominal bloating. Not properly chewing foods can also escalate swallowed air. Swallowed air has carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitrogen that tends to have a foul odour, contributing to discomfort.

How to Beat Abdominal Bloating

Bloating oftentimes can be caused by your diet and food choices. Tweaking your food choices, eating habits and lifestyle can remedy abdominal bloating. Below are the home remedies you can do to manage the bloating discomfort and pain.

Slow down on Large Meals

Eating a large meal in one sitting can make you feel bloated. It can cause discomfort and gas. Some people who have abdominal bloating can have enhanced food sensitivity in the stomach. A great way to prevent this trigger is to eat a smaller meal and chewing food better. Mindful chewing of food can reduce the amount of swallowed air with the food.

Assess your food choices

Food intolerances and allergies are common triggers of stomach bloating. Consider keeping a food diary to point out foods that can trigger bloating and gas. Try eliminating the food or cutting them back in your diet once you figured out which foods trigger that cause bloating.

Among the common trigger foods include:

Lactose – Being intolerant to food has been associated with plenty of digestive issues like bloating.

Eggs – People with egg allergies can experience gas and bloat.

Fructose – Fructose is a type of simple sugar that is an indigestible carb. An indigestible carb can contribute to bloating.

Wheat and gluten – Wheat and gluten intolerance can impact your digestion and lead to bloating.

Cut Back on Caffeine

Drinking caffeine or drinks high in sugar can be dehydrating and overexcite the digestive system. It may stimulate spasms in the bowel that cause bloating.

Take Probiotics

The colon can be filled with bacteria that can contribute to bloating. Research has revealed that particular probiotics can help minimise gas production and abdominal bloating in people with digestive issues. Taking probiotics provide plenty of health benefits besides reducing abdominal bloating symptoms.

Drink Tea

Having a sluggish digestive system can slow down your metabolism that triggers abdominal bloating. Drinking tea can help improve digestion and promote bowel movements. Ginger tea eases stomach pain while peppermint relaxes the intestinal muscles, allowing you to pass gas and move the bowel.

Slow down on greasy food

Eating greasy or fatty food can cause digestive issues. Fast foods typically contain high levels of unhealthy fats that cause an inflammatory bodily response. High amounts of fat slow down digestion, causing stomach pain, nausea and bloating.

Get moving

Working out helps stool and gas move out of the colon, making bowel movements more regular. Exercise also gets rid of extra salt from the body and relieve water retention. Make sure to hydrate before and after working out to prevent constipation.

Consider colonic irrigation

Colonic irrigation or colonic cleanse can help prevent constipation by detoxifying the colon. Constipation is one of the triggers of bloating. It removes the intestinal parasites from the colon and hydrates the body. Additionally, the massage techniques of the therapist can help reduce bloating.

The Bottom line

Gas can be painful and uncomfortable. However, it is typically not something you should worry about. Consider looking at your diet and lifestyle if you’ve been struggling with abdominal bloating. In most cases, tweaking your eating habits and lifestyle choices can eliminate the bloating issues.

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