The Ultimate Parasite Cleanse

Gut microbiome is the collection of microorganisms (bacteria) that live in your gut.

It’s the key to overall health and wellness, and with a community of over 30 trillion living organisms, it’s the largest organ in your body.

The gut is crucial to good health—keeping it clean and healthy can improve digestion, relieve allergies, boost immunity, and prevent other health complications.

Balanced gut microbiome supports a healthy immune system, keeps you feeling energetic and helps with weight management. Get your microbiome back in balance.

Colon hydrotherapy (also called colonics) is one of the best ways to cleanse your gut and promote a healthy balance of bacteria. Colonics can help remove toxins, parasites, and other unwanted guests from your digestive system.

Regular pharmaceutical or herbal parasite cleanses, kill the parasites but they dont eliminate them from your body. EWWWW! Once you kill them, colonics help clear out the debris and rotting fecal matter that cased the parasites to grow in the first place.  Colonics are safe, gentle and effective.

If youre looking to cleanse your gut and promote a healthy balance of bacteria, colon hydrotherapy is one of the best ways to do it. Colonics can help remove toxins, parasites, and other unwanted guests from your digestive system. Schedule a session today!

Colonic irrigation is the process of cleansing the colon (large intestine) with water. Colonics have been used for centuries as a way to improve overall health and well-being. The colon is responsible for absorbing nutrients from food and eliminating waste from the body. When the colon becomes overloaded with toxins or constipated, it can lead to a variety of health problems including fatigue, bloating, gas, weight gain.

Many health care professionals and naturopaths wont recommend colonic irrigation simply because they don’t know enough about it. opting for nasty laxatives and oxy cleanses that are painful, messy and a down right pain in the butt.  Colon hydrotherapy is an excellent way to cleanse the colon and promote regularity. It is also useful for those who suffer from constipation, IBS or other digestive disorders.

A Colon Hydrotherapy session typically lasts 45 minutes to an hour. During the session, you will be lying on a comfortable table with a small tube inserted into your rectum. The therapist will then slowly pump filtered water into your colon, which will help to soften and break up any waste that is stuck in your colon walls. The water will also help to flush out any toxins that have built up over time.

You may feel some cramping during the procedure, but this is normal and usually goes away after a few minutes. Most people feel very amazing after a flush. Lighter, clearer and most importantly — free of parasites!

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