
What is Red Light Therapy (photobiomodulation)?

Red light therapy is a non invasive, cost-effective, alternative treatment to all sorts of skin problems, skin appearance and is very effective as a natural pain reliever.

Red light easily penetrates the skin, boosts circulation and brings more blood and nutrients to the area. It also stimulates vital collagen and elastin production. Collagen helps plump the skin, while elastin firms the skin.

The red light is energizing and repairing damaged cells, stimulating collagen and elastin and giving the skin back its youthful look.

Red light therapy (RLT) aims to solve skin issues by using low wavelength red light. Different wavelengths of light penetrate the skin to varying depths where the light stimulates natural biological processes; specifically, it supercharges cells.

How Does Red Light Therapy Work?

The mitochondria within each of our cells can metabolise Red and Near Infra Red light in a similar way to how they can metabolise food. This helps our cells create ATP which is the energy used to perform all biological functions within the body. With more energy, the body is able to rejuvenate, recover faster and you feel more vital. 

What are the Benefits of Red Light Therapy (photobiomodulation)? 

Many experts believe that it can help with issues such as skin conditions, scarring, and signs of ageing — including wrinkles and age spots. Numerous studies have proven that light therapy—otherwise known as photobiomodulation, enhances cellular function and produces some incredible benefits within the body which include the following:

  • Anti-Ageing – The increase of collagen production leads to Improved skin tone and complexion with reduced appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, scars and stretch marks. Also helps with the reduction of acne, rosacea and eczema.
  • Enhanced muscle recovery for peak athletic performance and weight loss. Also assists in the quicker healing of wounds and injuries.
  • Reduced pain and inflammation by enhancing activity within the lymph system.
  • Increased blood circulation through the formation of new capillaries which assists in delivering nutrients and oxygen to damaged areas within the body.
  • Improved Thyroid functionality and used as an adjunctive treatment for thyroid health.
  • Increased testosterone for males and fertility for females
  • And many more… 

How Often Should I use Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy can be used in many different applications so there is no one size fits all dosage for red light therapy. Everyone Has Unique Treatment Needs with that in mind, your optimal red light dosage depends on the condition(s) you want to treat, your overall health, and your light sensitivity.

Best results will be seen with a series of treatments spaced no more than a week apart. We recommend 10 over a period of 4-5 weeks.

Some effects, like muscle recovery or improvement in skin tone, can happen quickly after red light application.  Other effects take more time.That’s because results depend on improved cellular health and other biological processes that occur when red light stimulates cells. For chronic conditions, a realistic expectation for results is from one to four months. 

After you’ve achieved your desired results, ongoing sessions can help maintain improvements in skin tone, pain management, muscle health, and hair regrowth.

Can Red Light Therapy Help With Muscle Recovery? 

Red light therapy has proved to be effective at stimulating, healing, and regenerating damaged muscle tissue. Many athletes improve their sports performance by using red light for pre-conditioning before exercise, and also after exercise.

A 2017 review by researchers from the United States and Brazil found that by combining red and NIR light during treatment, every layer of muscle is treated in both small and large muscle groups. A maintenance program of pre- and post-exercise red light therapy may promote optimal physical performance and help prevent injury.

Can Red Light Therapy Help With Hair Loss? 

Although it may sound too good to be true, red light therapy really has been proven to regrow hair. One of many studies was conducted during 2017 and involved 90 patients aged 18 to 70. All participants suffered from androgenic alopecia, which is the scientific term for baldness. Those who were treated with red and NIR light showed “statistically significant improvement” in hair growth.

To stimulate hair regrowth, use red light for 20 to 30 minutes three to five times per week at a distance of 6” to 12”. Once hair starts to grow, a maintenance program will continue stimulating normal hair growth.

Is Red Light Therapy Safe?

In study after study, red light therapy has proven to be safe and side-effect-free. Still, the color, tone, and thickness of skin can affect the absorption of red light photons, which may necessitate adjusting your treatment times. And if you are taking photosensitizing medications or have skin cancer, always consult your doctor before using any type of treatment, including red light therapy.

A large part of treatment success is due to consistency, so be sure you are consistent with your red light sessions. Also, remember to apply red light to bare skin, rather than through clothing.

Can Red Light Therapy Help With General Skincare/Anti-Aging?

Research has overwhelmingly shown that red light therapy benefits skin in innumerable ways, from improving skin tone to softening the appearance of wrinkles. In one study on skin health, participants used red light twice a week, and they showed significant improvements after 10 sessions.

Can Red Light Therapy Help With Arthritis and Joint Pain?

An estimated 54 million Americans suffer from arthritis, with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis the most common types. Red light has been shown to relieve pain and increase mobility for many arthritis patients.

One study of 50 elderly patients with degenerative osteoarthritis showed great results using red/NIR light for 15 minutes twice daily. While the study didn’t cite the distance from the device, placing the LED panel 6” from the affected joint will deliver maximum irradiation. Ongoing maintenance treatment may slow the progression of osteoarthritis and other degenerative joint disorders, while continuing to relieve pain.

Can Red Light Therapy help Chronic Skin Disorders?

People with chronic skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea, endure a great deal of suffering, from severe itching to burning pain. Research has shown that these disorders can be effectively treated with red light therapy.
One study, for example, involved patients with psoriasis who had no success with conventional therapy methods. After being treated with a combination of red light and NIR light (630 nm and 830 nm) in two 20-minute sessions every other day for four or five weeks, their skin was noticeably improved.

Can Red Light therapy help with Skin Wounds and Scars?

Because red light therapy energizes cells and stimulates collagen production, it can effectively treat skin wounds and minimize the appearance of scars.
One major research review that confirmed this was conducted in 2014 by researchers from Brazil. They concluded that red light therapy effectively treats skin wounds, which minimizes scarring.

Can Red Light Therapy Help Lower Back Pain?

Red light therapy can be very effective in treating low back pain. This includes both acute (short-term, often injury-related) and chronic (longer-term). One study from 2006 found that patients with low back pain who were treated with infrared therapy (800 nm to 1200 nm) had a 50 percent reduction in pain over six weeks.
Can TOO MUCH Red Light Therapy be Harmful?

In short, no, you can not get too much red light therapy. According to Michael Hamblin⁠—associate professor at Harvard Medical School and a noted expert on red light therapy⁠—“You could use RLT for 24 hours a day and wouldn’t damage the skin. It’s almost impossible to cause any harm.”

However, while red light is side-effect-free, temporary tightness or redness is possible if you have sensitive skin. This can be alleviated by reducing the treatment time or moving farther back from the device. You’ll have to test out the optimal time for your body and adjust as you go along. But overall, red light therapy is very safe.

Disclaimer : RED LIGHT THERAPY is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is e low-risk, general wellness / fitness product.



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