Coffee Colonic Irrigation

Colon Hydrotherapy offers a drug-free method to cleanse the colon and enhance the absorption of nutrients. Safe and effective, the therapy offers a range of benefits and rids the colon of toxins, faecal matter and gas. There are several methods used for colon cleansing and coffee colonic has emerged to be a popular one.

Wondering what coffee cleanse is all about?

The coffee cleanse therapy involves the use of a balanced blend of purified water and coffee to detoxify the colon. The use of coffee blend makes colon irrigation even more effective and works in boosting its functioning. The blend is introduced into the colon through the rectum by means of a thin tube. The blend is gently filled into the colon and then flushed out. The blend effectively softens and breaks up the old waste material and enables its elimination.

Coffee Colonic Irrigation offers several benefits and is believed to relieve constipation, increase the level of energy and boosts immunity. In case you wish to experience the benefits of a coffee cleanse, we have the right solutions for your easy removal.


At Colonic Care, we believe that the type of coffee used can have a huge impact on the effectiveness of the treatment. As an experienced provider of colonic irrigation services, we have the expertise and know-how to extend the best therapies to our clients in Melbourne. We make use of the finest coffee blend to ensure that you are able to get the maximum benefit from the treatment. This coffee is organic and prepared fresh for each treatment using Kangen Alkaline water in Melbourne.  This ensures that you will get the maximum benefits from our coffee colonic irrigation therapy.

Colon Hydrotherapy offers a drug-free method to cleanse the colon and enhance the absorption of nutrients. Safe and effective, the therapy offers a range of benefits and rids the colon of toxins, faecal matter and gas. There are several methods used for colon cleansing and coffee colonic has emerged to be a popular one.

Wondering what coffee cleanse is all about?

The therapy involves the use of a balanced blend of purified water and coffee to detoxify the colon. The use of coffee blend makes colon irrigation even more effective and works in boosting its functioning. The blend is introduced into the colon through the rectum by means of a thin tube. The blend is gently filled into the colon and then flushed out. The blend effectively softens and breaks up old waste material and enables its easy removal.

Coffee Colonic Irrigation offers several benefits and is believed to relieve constipation, increase the level of energy and boosts immunity. In case you wish to experience the benefits of a coffee cleanse, we have the right solutions for you.

At Colonic Care, we believe that the type of coffee used can have a huge impact on the effectiveness of the treatment. As an experienced provider of colonic irrigation services, we have the expertise and know-how to extend the best therapies to our clients in Melbourne. We make use of the finest coffee blend to ensure that you are able to get the maximum benefit from the treatment. This coffee is organic and prepared fresh for each treatment using Kangen Alkaline water in Melbourne.  This ensures that you will get the maximum benefits from the therapy.

    The well-being of our clients is of utmost importance to us and we focus on offering the best coffee cleanse in Melbourne. Whether it is the coffee we use, our therapist or equipment, we take great care in carrying out the therapy in a relaxing and comfortable environment. The equipment used is designed for the purpose and is equipped with the latest features. This includes temperature control, purification and filter system and more.

    The Benefits of Coffee Colonics

    Wondering if you can experience the same level of benefits by drinking a cup of coffee?

    Colonic irrigation is a more effective process as it involves the direct introduction of the blend through the colon. In case the coffee is consumed, it is highly diluted by the stomach and upper GI. As a result, the cleansing benefits of the blend is reduced.

    The well-being of our clients is of utmost importance to us and we focus on offering the best coffee cleanse in Melbourne. Whether it is the coffee we use, our therapist or equipment, we take great care in carrying out the therapy in a relaxing and comfortable environment. The equipment used is designed for the purpose and is equipped with the latest features. This includes temperature control, purification and filter system and more.

    The Benefits of Coffee Colonics

    Wondering if you can experience the same level of benefits by drinking a cup of coffee?

    Colonic irrigation is a more effective process as it involves the direct introduction of the blend through the colon. In case the coffee is consumed, it is highly diluted by the stomach and upper GI. As a result, the cleansing benefits of the blend is reduced.

    The Benefits of Coffee Colonics

    Wondering if you can experience the same level of benefits by drinking a cup of coffee?

    Colonic irrigation is a more effective process as it involves the direct introduction of the blend through the colon. In case the coffee is consumed, it is highly diluted by the stomach and upper GI. As a result, the cleansing benefits of the blend is reduced. Listed below are some of the reasons why you should consider coffee colonic irrigation.

    • Colonic irrigation sessions work in detoxifying the colon and stimulates the release of bile. This works in detoxifying the liver.
    • Coffee irrigation helps in cleansing the colon of waste matter.
    • The astringent nature of coffee makes the therapy much more effective than the regular colonic irrigation.
    • The coffee that is used is reported to have a relaxing and rejuvenating effect.
    • Coffee cleanse helps in restoring the body’s natural balance by completely removing waste matter.

    Improve Your Quality of Life with Coffee Colonic Irrigation

    At Colonic Care, we are committed to offering colonic cleanse to alleviate digestive issues and enable you to combat fatigue. Our treatment is carried out in a tranquil setting and can help you address digestive issues. In case you wish to know more about our treatment, do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We will be happy to assist you.

    Improve Your Quality of Life with Coffee Colonic Irrigation

    At Colonic Care, we are committed to offering colonic cleanse to alleviate digestive issues and enable you to combat fatigue. Our treatment is carried out in a tranquil setting and can help you address digestive issues. In case you wish to know more about our treatment, do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We will be happy to assist you.

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