comfortable bowel movement

Methods to Encourage a Bowel Movement

Changes in bowel movements can be a sign of a health issue. However, before you start worrying about your bowel movements, you should know that bowel movement is different for everyone. Most people believe that a regular bowel movement means that you defecate daily. However, this statement is far from the truth since everyone’s bowel is unique.

It is possible to have one to three times a day or three times a week bowel movement and still be considered regular. So long as this schedule is your usual pattern.

Tips to have a more comfortable bowel movement

Plenty of factors can affect your bowel movement like food consumption, illness, certain medications, lacking physical activities, and lifestyle changes.

If you find it hard to move your bowel or if there are changes in your bowel patterns, these tips below can help promote bowel movements:


Dehydration can cause constipation. Your body will withdraw water from the colon that leads to hard stools when you are dehydrated. Drinking enough water helps the stool become soft and easy to pass. Aim for 6 to 8 glasses of water a day and if you are relatively active and or living in a hot climate, increase your fluid intake.

Incorporate more fibre into your diet

Not eating enough fibre is one of the reasons for constipation. There are two types of fibre, soluble and insoluble. The soluble fibre slows down digestion and helps absorb nutrients whilst the insoluble fibre speeds up the transit of food in the digestive system, preventing constipation. Great sources of soluble fibre include beans, avocados, broccoli, oats, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, and barley. Meanwhile, you can get your dose of insoluble fibre from whole grains, celery, nuts, and seeds. Make sure to incorporate fibre slowly into your diet since adding too much fibre at once may have a constipating effect on your body.

Drink hot beverage

Warm beverages can help get things moving. Drinking diuretics such as coffee and tea can help regulate your bowel movement. The heat from these hot beverages can promote bowel movement. On the other hand, the caffeine content of coffee and tea can stimulate colon motility. Coffee cleanses may also encourage the release of the hormone cholecystokinin from the intestine. Researchers have shown that cholecystokinin can stimulate bowel movements.

Get moving

If you find it hard to pass stool, exercise may be the answer. Working out has been shown to improve the efficiency of the digestive tract as it increases your metabolism. Getting active even for 30 minutes can help the body and digestive tract work at their best. A few of the exercises you can do daily are walking, jogging, swimming, and biking.

Eat probiotic foods

Probiotics are live bacteria beneficial in heart health, digestion, immune function, and reduce inflammation. Consuming probiotics offers tons of health benefits besides helping the digestive system. Research shows that probiotics increase bowel movements and help soften tools, making them easier to excrete.

A separate study suggests probiotics can reduce the severity of Irregular Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and bloat. Foods such as tempe, coconut kefir, kimchi, miso, pickles, nato, and other fermented foods are loaded with probiotics.

Consider colonic cleanse

Also known as colon irrigation or colon hydrotherapy, colonic cleanse involves flushing the colon with several gallons of water through a small tube that is inserted into the rectum. A professional colonics hydrotherapist performs this process and repeats it when necessary. Colonic care helps clear the colon of toxic and waste buildup, boosts the immune system and provides mental clarity.

Avoid stress

High levels of stress can aggravate your digestive system. Stress can manifest symptoms such as nausea, stomach pain, and constipation. More so, when you are stressed, you tend to consume an unhealthy diet, become inactive, and have poor sleep quality. You can manage stress through exercising, meditating, getting enough sleep, and eating a proper diet.

The takeaway

These tips above can help promote a quick bowel movement to relieve constipation. Remember, everyone’s bowel movement is unique. However, if you find your bowel schedule irregular or if you are experiencing a change of pattern or frequency in your bowel movement, you may consider lifestyle changes including:

Incorporating more fibre into your diet – Add fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and whole wheat to your diet to help your digestive tract. You can also incorporate fibre supplements for chronic constipation but consider starting with a low dose as some people experience bloating when taking large amounts of fibre.

Get moving – Light workouts such as walking, jogging, or biking can help maintain proper circulation and encourage digestion.

Drink your fluids – Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day to manage constipation.

Consider Colonic Cleanse – Colon hydrotherapy removes toxins and waste buildup encrusted around the walls of the colon, thereby boosting your metabolism and immune system, as well as providing mental clarity.

Manage your stress – Stress can mess up your digestive system. Meditation, exercise, sleep, and hobbies are a few of the ways to manage stress.

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