
Natural ways to promote weight loss

Lots of fad diets these days claim to help you shed off those extra kilograms. Sure, you can shave off unwanted weight, but these crazy diets will leave you feeling hungry, deprived, and worst, the weight just comes back plus more kilograms due to binging. Tweaking your lifestyle and eating habits can help you lose instead of following trendy diets and crazy pills help you burn fat naturally.

Although proper diet and exercise are the cornerstones to true weight loss, there are a few things you can do to boost your metabolism and trim down your waistline. Consider the following:

Practice mindful eating

Pay attention to what, where and how you eat your food. Mindful eating allows you to enjoy the food whilst maintaining a healthy weight. We often overlook what we put on our plates and eat on the run as we lead busy lives. Great ways to practice mindful eating include sitting at a dining table to eat. Don’t use TV, phone or laptop while eating to avoid distractions. Savouring your food by chewing it slowly helps in shedding the excess weight. Eating slow will give your brain time to acknowledge the signals that you are full to prevent you from overeating. Part of mindful eating includes making wise food selections.

Consider Colonic Irrigation

Colonic irrigation, colonic cleanse or colonic hydrotherapy is a safe and effective method of flushing the waste of the large intestine. A lubricated, disposable tube is inserted into the rectum whilst gallons of water is flushed. The water breaks down the fecal matter and other waste materials in the colon gradually and gently. Colonic irrigation has been practised for decades as it can help in weight loss. Besides weight loss assistance, colonic cleanse can also help prevent constipation, improve energy levels, improve absorption of vitamins and nutrients, and reduce the risk of colon cancer. Check-in with a professional when receiving colonic irrigation treatment to ensure safety and effectiveness. At Colonic Care, we use professional-grade equipment and our staff are certified to perform the procedure.

Choose liquid calories well

We may be strict when it comes to consuming our solids but what about our liquid intake? Sweetened beverages can pile on the calories without us knowing. These drinks are sneaky as they can add weight but don’t satiate our hunger. Instead of indulging in these sweet drinks, consider drinking water and or natural juice. Try drinking vegetable juice between meals to hold off your hunger. Staying hydrated with water helps curb your hunger as sometimes, we mistake thirst with hunger.

Don’t skip meals

Skipping meals is counterproductive as it leaves us hungry, angry, and stressed. The body increases the production of cortisol stress hormones that slow down our metabolism. Furthermore, we tend to overeat when we skip a meal as a way of compensating. Rather than skipping meals, following intermittent fasting can help achieve your weight loss goals. Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern involving regular short-term fasts and eating meals within a short period. Several studies suggest that intermittent fasting can lead to weight loss in overweight individuals. Among the most common intermittent fasting methods include eating 25-30 per cent of the body’s energy needs on fasting days, fasting on 2 out of every 7 days and consuming 500–600 calories on fasting days. Most people especially beginners fast for 16 hours and eat only during an 8-hour window.

Load on fibre foods

Consuming dietary fibre foods satiate your cravings and make you full for hours. Fibre isn’t digested by the body, it passes through the stomach, small intestine and out of the body relatively intact. Fibre doesn’t just help in managing weight, it also helps maintain bowel health, control blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol levels. Great sources of fibres are whole-grain products, fruits, beans, peas and other legumes and nuts and seeds.

Get a good night’s sleep

A lack of sleep increases the hunger hormone, ghrelin — and decreases the ‘satisfaction’ hormone, leptin. When you are sleep deprived, you crave more salty and sweet foods to keep hunger pangs at bay. More so, numerous studies showed the connection between sleep deprivation and increased incidence of obesity. Poor quality sleep slows down the metabolism, increase the production of insulin and cortisol. When we lack sleep, our ability to decide well is affected, which means, we may make bad food selections. Sleeping well balances our hormones as we give our bodies the time to repair, replenish and rejuvenate.

Try batch cooking and meal preparation

Preparing your meals and cooking them by batch saves time and keeps you from grabbing processed and unhealthy food. Making your food gives you control when it comes to food quality, serving, and portioning. You get to eat hearty and wholesome meals in just a few minutes instead of spending an hour preparing your meal daily.

The Bottomline

There is no quick fix to a healthy and natural weight loss. Managing a healthy weight is a matter of managing and tweaking your lifestyle. These tips above along with regular exercise can help shed extra weight. Doing colonic irrigation helps support your weight loss goal, boost your digestive health and improve overall health. At Colonic Care, we go above and beyond to provide a comfortable and safe colonic hydrotherapy experience. Call us today to learn more about colonic cleanse.

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