Qenda Ultimate Fibre

Ultimate Fibre contains a fully balanced spectrum of powerful herbs abundant in plant fibre, nutritive vitamins, minerals, demulcents, anti-oxidants, essential compounds, enzymes and adaptogenic herbs.

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A premium quality blend of organic and wild crafted herbs designed for optimal gut health.

  • Ultimate Fibre supports a healthy digestive tract.
    Gives a thorough gentle cleansing effect on the bowel.
  • Helps to maintain regular bowel movements.
  • Aids in elimination of waste, toxins and parasites.
  • Assists in healthy stool formation and prevention of diarrhoea, constipation and flatulence.
  • Source of high quality organic soluble and insoluble fibre known to promote healthy digestion, blood sugars, cholesterol and general wellbeing.
  • Batch tested for purity.
  • Detoxifies, binds and expels heavy metals from the body.
  •              Eliminates candida and fungal overgrowths.

    Ultimate Fibre contains the following certified organic ingredients from nature: Psyllium Husk, Black Walnut Hulls, Hibiscus Rosella, Liquorice Root, Horsetail, Rosehip, Oat Straw, Slippery Elm, Cascara, Marshmallow Root, Cinnamon Verum, Irish Moss, Yucca Root, Turkish Rhubarb, Chlorella, Turmeric, Bladderwrack, Astragalus, Ashwagandha, Meadowsweet, Barberry, Dandelion Root, Aloe Ferox, Wormwood, Skullcap, Fennel Seed, Passionflower, Mullein, Violet Leaf, Paw Paw Leaf, Witchhazel, Clove Bud.

    No preservatives, no colours, no sweeteners, no additives of any kind!
  • Organic psyllium husk ultra fine (plantago asietica)
    Good soluble fibre, slows breakdown of carbohydrates and sugar absorption. Blood sugar control, weight loss, yeast and fungus flush, intestinal broome to sweep the colon clean of toxic build up.
  • Organic black walnut hulls (jujlans nigra)
    Aids digestion, natural laxative, antiseptic, assists in balancing blood sugar and decreasing cholesterol, helps to clean out any toxins and dangerous pathogens, kills parasites, astringent, purgitave, liver tonic.
  • Organic hibiscus rosella (hibiscus sabdareva)
    Sweet astringent, soothes irritated tissues, helps digestion, promotes proper kidney function, diuretic, clears up mucus.
  • Organic liquorice root (glycyrrhiza glabra)
    Anti-inflammatory, demeculant, expectorant, anti-spasmodic, mild laxative, adrenal agent.
  • Organic horsetail (equiseturm arvense)
    Astringent, diuretic, vulenary, anti-rheumatic, haemostatic.
  • Organic rosehip (rosa canina)
    Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin C and Vitamin K. Anti-inflammatory and immune boosting.
  • Organic oat straw (avena sativa)
    Contains mucilaginous compounds as well as crude fibre that encourage normal bowel function. These compounds reduce bowel transit time, absorb toxins and enhance the efficiency of digestion. Excellent source of magnesium. Oat straw is high in the following nutrients: calcium, crude fibre, magnesium, silicon, chromium, dietary fibre, vitamin A.
  • Organic slippery elm bark (ulmus rubra)
    Demeculant, emollient, nutritive, expectorant, diueretic, intestinal healing.
  • Wild crafted cascara bark (rhamnus purshiana)
    Mild purgitave, laxative, stomachic, bitter tonic.
  • Organic marshmallow root (althaea officinalis)
    Demeculant, diuretic, emollient, vulnerary.
  • Organic true ceylon cinnamon bark (cinnamomum verum)
    Anti candida, anti-fungal, digestive, strong antioxidant, blood sugar regulation.
  • Organic irish moss (chrondrus crispus)
    Rich in minerals, expectorant, mucilaginous, emollient.
  • Organic yucca root (yucca schidigera)
    Anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, anti-allergenic.
  • Organic turkish rhubarb (rheum palmatum)
    Bitter stomachic, mild purgitave, astringent, laxative, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial.
  • Organic broken cell wall chlorella (chlorella vulgaris)
    Alkalising, support normal cell growth and repair, immune, heavy metal detoxifier, de-odourising, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin B group, trace minerals, chlorophyll, phyto nutrients, antioxidants, bioavailable iron.
  • Organic turmeric (curcuma longa)
    Mild digestive, carminative, anti-inflammatory, stimulant, active against staphycoccus aureu.
  • Organic bladderwrack (fucus vesiculosus)
    Rich in iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulphur, silicon and iron and high in some b-complex vitamins. It contains moderate amounts of phosphorus, selenium, manganese and zinc and small amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin G. It also contains anti-sterility Vitamin S as well as Vitamin K. It is rich in algin and mannitol, carotene and zeaxantin with traces of bromine great for detox, joint pain, weight loss, stimulate thyroid function and to boost metabolism.
  • Organic astragalus (astragalus membranaceous)
    Adaptogenic, immune stimulant, diuretic, vasodilator, anti-viral
  • Organic ashwagandha (withania somnifera)
    Adaptagenic, digestive tonic, immune support.
  • Organic meadowsweet (filipendula ulmaria)
    Protects and soothes mucus membranes, reduces acidity, eases nausea.
  • Organic barberry (berberis vulgaris)
    Anti haemorrhagic, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-candida, B vitamins and zinc.
  • Organic dandelion root powder (taraxacum officinale)
    Liver and gall bladder support and detoxification.
  • Organic aloe ferox
    Promotes healing, anti-inflammatory, purgative, laxative, digestive aid, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B group, choline, and thiamine. Blood pressure/sugar and cholesterol balancer.
  • Organic wormood (artemisia absinthum)
    Bitter tonic, arminative, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic
  • Organic skullcap (scutellaria lateriflora)
    Nervine tonic, bitter stomachic, anti-spasmodic, seditave.
  • Organic fennel seed (foeniculum vulgare)
    Digestive, calmanative, anti-flatulence, essential compounds, fibre, minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants.
  • Organic passionflower (passiflora incarnate)
    Anodyne, tranquilising, anti-spasmodic, sedative
  • Organic mullein (verbascum Thapsus)
    Anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, demulcent, diuretic, emollient, expectorant and vulnerary.
  • Organic violet leaf (viola odorata)
    Anti-neoplastic, anti-inflammatory, laxative, expectorant, diuretic, purgative.
  • Organic paw paw leaf (carica papaya)
    Concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, proteins, chlorophyll and fibre.
  • Organic witchhazel (hamamelis virginiana)
    Anti-inflammatory, stops excessive bleeding or clotting, stops haemoroids.
  •              Organic clove bud (syzygium aromaticum)
                Anti parasitic – kills parasites and their eggs.

    Serving Suggestion
    Ultimate Fibre should be taken once or twice daily, on an empty stomach, 15 – 30 minutes prior to meals with plenty of water (minimum of 300ml).

    Adult: 40kg & Above
  • Add 1 – 2 scoops of Ultimate Fibre in 300 – 400ml of water in a shaker bottle.
  • First add water then powder to prevent powder from sticking to bottom of the shaker bottle.
  • Put lid on securely and shake for 10 – 15 seconds.
  • Drink down immediately.

    If left for a short period after shaking liquid will become thicker. If this occurs, add some more water, re-shake and drink.

    DAY 1 Take 1 scoop prior to breakfast
    DAY 2-7 Take 2 scoops for the next 6 days prior to breakfast.
    WEEK 2 Take 2 scoops twice daily prior to breakfast and dinner for a period of 2 – 8 weeks until satisfied that full detoxification has been achieved.

    ONGOING Once major detoxification has been completed and a level of homeostasis has returned as indicated by regular bowel movements around 3 times a day, it is recommended to continue on 2 scoops once per day most days for another 1- 2 months.

    Children & Under 40kgs: Halve adult serve.

    It is highly beneficial to add in probiotics, enzymes and fermented foods to your diet to repopulate friendly bacteria, reduce inflammation and promote positive genetic expression.

    Some mild detoxification symptoms may be experienced when using this product. Perseverance is recommended in order to achieve maximum results.
    Drink plenty of clean water every day and always eat high quality organic, local, chemical-free, GMO-free foods to ensure optimal health.

    Organic farming methods are always the healthiest choice for our body and planet. Conventional farming methods can damage our environment and health due to the use of herbicides, pesticides and fertiliser run off. Qenda Formulations only contain the highest grade organically grown herbs in every formula.
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